Have a fledging comic in needs of viewers? Well, we offer a free comic advertising service for you. All you need to do is to send a e-mail to ad@miarchy.com with a reply e-mail address. If we like it, you will get a response from us saying that it is in the service. The ad needs to be a maximum of 100px tall but we are ok with any reasonable widths. Please be aware it will take time for us to get it into the system, so if you don't see it stright away, do not panic. There are some rules to what we do not allow on this website. These rules are the following:
- No hate/erotica ads
- The ad must be about something comic/manga/anime related.
- We can accept text or graphic based fan fictions but it must comply with rule #2.
- The ad needs to be horizontal and a maximum of 100px height.
- Miarchy.com reserves the right not to run any ad deemed unsuitable